Investor Impact Initiative

powered by


intelligence for investors of all sizes

Our Mission

Our mission is to support the global shift towards a focus on meaningful investor action. We aim to pioneer the quantification of investor impact through rigorous empirical research and practical, user-friendly tools. We will pursue these goals in partnership with rezonanz & through our network of impactful investors.

Our Work

Stimulating competition

Voting for Sustainability

Switzerland | March | 13 asset managers

Increasing coherence

Quantifying Engagement

Europe | October | Major asset managers

Strength in numbers

Investor Network

Global | 2025 | By invitation

Global Assets under Management & Stewardship

in Numbers


USD in global assets under management (AUM)


USD in AUM currently covered by Voting for Sustainability


USD integrate voting & engagement as ESG strategies


Initial universe of asset managers in-scope

Who We Are

Eleanor Willi

Founder & Director

Alex Morgan

Research Fellow

Dr. Siyana Gurova

Research Lead

Partners & Supporters

The Ethos Foundation was created by and for Swiss pension funds in 1997, and now counts over 250 pension funds as members. With the pioneering aim of enabling pensions to invest responsibly, Ethos is an ideal partner for our first-of-its-kind ranking of asset managers.

The collaboration with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Center for Global Competitiveness is a critical component of the III’s research focus. CGC researchers solve practical business problems using scientific knowledge & research techniques.

Initial research support for the ranking was provided by an Innovation cheque from Innosuisse. Innosuisse is the Swiss Innovation Agency focused on promoting science-based innovation in the interest of the economy and society.

Support us & stay connected

Send us an e-mail

ewilli [at] investorimpactinitiative [dot] org

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